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“I write


music interrupts”

I was born under Lima’s beautiful gray sky. Peruvian. At 8 years old I ascended 2,625 m. Bogotano. Colombian. As a child, I wanted to be a priest and a soldier. My most lucid memories are associated with sound, including s i l e n c e; especially, s i l e n c e, which makes everything more impassioned and intense. I saved myself from a bomb explosion by falling asleep on a bus. It itches if I stay in one place for too long. Therefore, traveling; therefore, running and dancing. I can’t imagine life without music. I started writing from the heart notes and letters to my parents and my sister on their birthdays or important occasions. There were also love affairs, serious relationships, and more serious ones. In romantic love, something magical began to happen: I found an enigmatic beauty and mystery in writing, playing with words and sounds, creating stories about her, about us. The word awakened the music, maybe it was the other way around, or, it’s the same. I only know that since then, I sometimes feel how a discrete music whispers in my ear as strong as thunder, and other times, screams at me with only one note. Over time, I realized that something poetic took over me. I started to navigate strange languages and inhabit parallel worlds. I felt more alive, more me, and at the same time, more confused; where the hell did this come from!? I still don’t know well. I usually don’t question myself much. I prefer to let myself go and feed my curiosity. I think in this way I will be closer and truest to my authentic self. Embracing my authenticity is, perhaps, the fiercest quest I have ever committed to. And it doesn’t make sense if I don’t share it and celebrate it with others.

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